We are proud to represent the Worlds gold standard manufacturers of marine scientific instruments and systems. Covering waves, through biogeochemistry to sediments, dissolved gases, micro-biology and aquaculture. Designed by scientists for scientists
Instruments, Sensors and Data Loggers
4H Jena Engineering
4H-JENA acquired CONTROS in April 2020 and as well as continuing the renowned CONTROS range of in-situ underwater sensor systems to detect hydrocarbons (e.g. methane), CO2, dissolved oxygen, Total Alkalinity, pH and fully integrated systems down to full ocean depth -4H-JENA also provide customer FerryBox systems and underwater data collection nodes to gather the most efficient and reliable data in any condition and in combination with data logging and software solutions.

HydroC CO2 Sensor
The CONTROS HydroC® CO₂ sensor is a unique and versatile subsea / underwater carbon dioxide sensor for in-situ and online measurements of dissolved CO₂. The CONTROS HydroC® CO₂ is designed to be used on different platforms following different deployment schemes. Examples are moving platform installations, such as ROV / AUV, long-term deployments on seabed observatories, buoys and moorings as well as profiling applications using water-sampling rosettes.

HydroC CO2 FT flow through
Although not the most powerful greenhouse gas, CO2 drives climate change due to the enormous volumes of this gas pumped into the atmosphere. Studies on the behaviour, distribution and interaction of CO2 in surface waters depend on accurate in-situ measurements. CONTROS’ HydroC™ CO2 FT is a unique flow-through sensor for dissolved carbon dioxide in surface waters.

HydroFIA TA analyser for total alkalinity in seawater
The CONTROS HydroFIA TA is a flow-through system for the determination of the total alkalinity in seawater. It can be used for continuous monitoring during surface water sampling or for discrete samples. The HydroFIA can easily be integrated into online “Ferry box” type installations.

HydroC PAH fluorometer for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Already smallest amounts of oil in water have a negative affect on the marine environment and reduce the quality of fresh water in lakes and reservoirs. As oil in water contains significant amounts of PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), it can be detected with a sensitive in-situ fluorometer.

HydroC MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol Leak Detection
Mono Ethylene Glycol is one of the most important fluids in the modern Oil + Gas industry. Indeed, in many areas of the offshore, the monitoring of MEG has become a necessity. CONTROS’ HydroC™ – MEG is a unique underwater leakage sensor solving the global problems of the insitu measurements of Mono Ethylene Glycol.

Contros Mobile Leak Detection System
Hydrocarbons in seawater are a multiphase mix consisting of an oil phase, gas bubbles, dissolved gas in seawater, formation water, cold seawater and solid gas hydrate phase. In order to detect and localize any hydrocarbon emission at the earliest stage possible and under any environmental conditions.

HydroC Battery Pack
There are three different sizes of battery housings available. Each housing can either be filled with rechargeable batteries or primary batteries. The housings are offered as light version deployable until 300 m water depth or as heavy version deployable until 6.000 m water depth.

he -4H- FerryBox is an autonomous, low-maintenance measuring system, which is designed for the continuous operation onboard ships, on measurement platforms and at river banks.

Active/Passive Sampler
4H-Jenna offer sampling systems for different purposes: – Passive sampler – Active sampler – Litter sampler – Plankton sampler Passive sampler The -4H-Passive Sampler is a flow-through tube array, which can be equipped with different receiving membranes (e.g. diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), low-density polyethylene or silicone rubber strips).

The CONTROS HydroC CH₄ FT is a unique surface methane partial pressure sensor designed for flow through applications like pumped stationary systems (e.g. monitoring stations) or ship based underway systems (e.g. FerryBox). Fields of application include: Climate studies, methane hydrate studies, limnology, fresh water control, aquaculture / fish farming.

The CONTROS HydroC® CH₄ sensor is a unique subsea / underwater methane sensor for in-situ and online measurements of CH₄ partial pressure (p CH₄). The versatile CONTROS HydroC® CH₄ provides the perfect solution for the monitoring of background CH₄ concentrations and for longterm deployments.

The CONTROS HydroFIA pH is a flow-through system for the determination of the pH value in saline solutions and ideally suited for measurements in seawater. The autonomous pH analyser can be used in the lab or easily integrated into existing automated measuring systems on e.g. voluntary observing ships (VOS).

The CONTROS HydroFIA pH is a flow-through system for the determination of the pH value in saline solutions and ideally suited for measurements in seawater. The autonomous pH analyser can be used in the lab or easily integrated into existing automated measuring systems on e.g. voluntary observing ships (VOS).
Analite stands for innovative and practical turbidity and surface tension measuring instruments. Over the last few years Analite has become a leader in the field of turbidity measurement as well as simple but accurate laboratory measurement of fluid surface tension.

NEP-5000TPS Turbidity & Pressure Sensor
The ANALITE NEP5000 series of digital turbidity probes are designed for monitoring and process applications where turbidity levels of up to 5,000NTU may be encountered. Standard ranges are 20NTU, 400NTU, 1,000NTU, and 3,000NTU with custom ranges available.

NEP-5000-Link Handheld recording Tu system
The NEP-5000-LINK is a portable turbidity hand held that combines a high accuracy NEP-5000 sensor with a Bluetooth and power interface along with an intuitive Android Application. The NEP-5000-LINK offers unparalleled sensor accuracy, simple operation, and an unbeatable price.

NEP-495 self recording turbidity sensor
The ANALITE NEP495P turbidity probes can monitor and log turbidity and temperature in a sturdy self-contained package that is easy to set up and easy to selectively download the data collected.
ASL Environmental Sciences
ASL Environmental Sciences is a world class company with more than 30 years of experience in oceanographic, acoustic and ice research services. They provide acoustic ice keel profilers, and acoustic water column profilers.

AZFP – Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler
The Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler™ can monitor the presence and abundance of zooplankton and fish within the water column by measuring acoustic backscatter returns with ultrasonic frequencies.

Ice Profiler
An advanced upward looking sonar instrument, mounted on the ocean floor or submersibles for measuring ice draft. To estimate ice forces, production rates, and mass balances, accurate measurements of ice thickness are essential.
The GraviProbe is a free fall impact instrument, analyzing the underwater sediment layers during intrusion. Under its own weight it accelerates and penetrates fluid and consolidated mud layers. The geotechnical and density conditions of the soil layers are determining the probe’s dynamical behavior.

Graviprobe free fall penetrometer
The GraviProbe is a free fall impact instrument, analyzing the underwater sediment layers during intrusion. Under its own weight it accelerates and penetrates fluid and consolidated mud layers. The geotechnical and density conditions of the soil layers are determining the probe’s dynamical behavior.

Deep Sea free fall graviprobe penetrometer
Developed to capture high quality geotechnical profiles of fluid and consolidated mud layers at maximum depths of 5500 meter. The Deep Sea GraviProbe is a geotechnical profiling system for deep sea waters.

DensX sediment density profiler
The DensX is a high accurate in situ mud density measurement system. It measures mud densities between 1.0 T/m³ and 1.5 T/m³ with an accuracy of 0.25 %. The technology is based on X-ray and is a direct measurement method. With a sampling speed of 10 Hz the system supports fast profiling.

dotOcean is currently developing an intelligent sounding pole (NL: “intelligente peilstok”). With this manual mud or sediment profiler it is possible to analyze underwater soil layers in small waterways and rivers by manually pushing the instrument in the soil.
Fluidion™ is a high-technology company providing innovative autonomous sampling and measurement solutions for environmental monitoring applications including E.Coli. fluidion™ addresses the pollution monitoring and water quality markets, from the urban setting (drinking water, rain water and sanitation) to the natural environment (lakes, rivers, coastal waters and ocean waters), to large industrial sites (chemical facilities and nuclear plants).

Rapid sampler 14
The RS-14 system collects samples (14 bottles) in the harshest environments and under the most unforgiving weather conditions. The sampler is highly resilient, resists shocks and severe outdoor exposure, can float on water or be submersed. It can be used near shore, attached to a buoy or deployed from a vessel and can be triggered on demand from a cell phone or a secure web interface. You can also easily pre-program time series samples from a cell phone or computer USB port, or use the automatic triggering from external sensors (optional).

Alert lab – e.Coli analyser
The fluidion™ ALERT LAB performs the same type of bacterial analysis as the ALERT System, except for the automatic sampling function. The ALERT LAB is highly portable, works on battery, and can be use in almost any setting: in the trunk of a car, on a beach, in a boat, lab or office. The ALERT LAB can perform up to six independent measurements in parallel, and it sends data in real time to a central server. Automatic alerts can be generated automatically (by e-mail or SMS text message).

Alert V2 E.Coli system
The ALERT V2, is the latest iteration of the popular ALERT in-situ E.Coli system. These systems implement reactions with chemical reagents and bio-reagents, as well as optical analysis, in order to perform microbiological (E.Coli, Total Coliforms). In particular, the fluidion™ analyzers enable complete analysis protocols, allowing the device to obtain the same accuracy as classical laboratory measurements. The V2, incorporates disposable reagent cartridges which makes bank side servicing much simpler, improves accuracy and repeatability. The V2, also allows connection of third part water quality sensors such as conductivity, pH, Do etc.

Alert One
The Fluidion® ALERT One is a handheld, autonomous analyser for the rapid quantification of E.coli bacteria anywhere in the world. Performing all measurement and quantification operations internally and powered from a USB-C port. Measurements are displayed on the built in screen with no requirement for internet access. The ALERT One uses powder reagents with extended shelf life.
ALERT One can be rapidly deployed in remote areas to assess water quality, including as an emergency response unit in disaster relief efforts. It is ideal for monitoring water distribution infrastructure, recreational waters, and for citizen science projects. It can even act as a personal water quality monitor!

Chemical Analyser
The in-line Chemical Analyzer from fluidion is a unique highly miniaturized system capable of performing multi-parameter chemical analysis of drinking water using approved chemistry protocols and the latest microfluidic technology, in a fully autonomous and unattended manner. The system uses only microliters of sample for each measurement, which allows it to operate continuously for weeks while generating minimal waste. It can log the pH of water and accurately quantify a number of chemical compounds such as Chlorine, Nitrites, and/or Ortho- phosphates, sending data wirelessly to the operator cell phone and remote cloud and/or client-based servers.

Coastal Sampler
The Coastal Sampler was developed at the request of professionals in the fields of oceanography and limnology, and is optimized for the rapid collection of large-volume samples, including associated suspended solid matter. It can acquire up to 14 independent 500mL samples at depths from surface to 100 meters. By implementing a novel patent-pending sampling mechanism based on vacuum reservoir drive, the Coastal Sampler does not require a pump, thus entirely eliminating cross-contamination issues.

Fluidion Drone
The FLUIDION DRONE is a navigational platform which allows remotely-controlled water analysis and pollution source identification. The drone is equipped with water depth sensing, real-time video feed for safe maneuvering in hard-to-reach areas, and powerful thrusters for fast mission deployments in lakes, rivers and coastal waters. An optional depth profiler completes the payload package. The DRONE collects real-time GPS-tagged sensor data to generate pollution maps and guide sampling operations, and is able to acquire multiple grab samples at surface or depth for rapid field testing and/or subsequent laboratory analysis.

Deep Water Sampler
The Deep Water Sampler allows up to 26 grab samples to be collected at depths of 300m (shallow), 1500m (deep), 3000m (ultra-deep) or 6000m (extreme) using miniaturized peristaltic pump (PP) technology. Specifically designed as a modular system for easy fitting onto any glider or in the payload bay of an AUV or ROV, the Deep Water Sampler is a first for autonomous underwater vehicles: returning in-situ samples to surface allows for subsequent lab analysis (complete fingerprinting of hydrocarbon traces, full ocean chemistry, biology) and verification of inline sensor measurements. Being pressure-balanced, the entire system maintains constant buoyancy throughout the deployment.
For two decades, Sequoia Scientific, Inc. in Bellevue, WA, has been the world’s only manufacturer of portable, field, and submersible laser particle sizers. The trademark “LISST laser particle sizers are a standard in most parts of the world. LISSTs are used for environmental monitoring, industrial, and scientific applications across the globe: The unique submersible LISSTs help engineers, scientists, and monitoring agencies reliably measure the concentration and size of sediment, plankton and oil droplets in any water body.

LISST – Holo
The LISST-Holo from Sequoia is the world’s first commercially available submersible Digital Holographic Particle Imaging System. The system was developed by Dr. Alex Nimmo Smith at the Marine Institute of the University of Plymouth (UK) and Sequoia holds a world-wide license for manufacture.

LISST – Tau High-Precision Transmissometer
Obscape’s Level Gauge delivers real-time water level measurements. It records the water level using a highly accurate radar sensor. Since the instrument is mounted above the water surface, deploying it in the field is easy.

LISST – Black
The LISST-BLACK has been developed for oil spill applications and is a self-contained stand-alone instrument for use on profiling packages, towed and remote vehicle applications, for deployment during and after an oil spill event.

LISST – 200X
The LISST-200X marks a major advance in the technology of submersible particle size and concentrations measurements. Smaller, lighter, smarter, for starters, this model combines the size ranges of the original LISST-100XB and -100XC. It stores all instrument files on-board; no more searching.

LISST – Portable
The LISST-Portable|XR is the world’s first and only battery powered portable particle size analyzer. It can be used in the field, in the laboratory or on the factory floor.

LISST – Deep
The LISST-Deep instrument obtains in-situ measurements of particle size distribution, optical transmission, and the optical volume scattering function(VSF) at depths down to 3,000 meters.

The LISST-STX is a submersible field instrument developed for in-situ observation of the size-dependent settling velocity distribution of suspended particles. It incorporates a mechanized Settling Column.

The LISST-VSF from Sequoia is the world’s first commercially available submersible instrument for measuring the volume scattering function (VSF) of water in situ with some polarization discrimination capability. The LISST-VSF covers the angular range from 0.094 to 150 degrees.

LISST – Stokes
The LISST-STOKES from Sequoia is the world’s first commercially available submersible instrument for measuring the depolarization ratio in situ.

LISST – Horizon
The LISST-Horizon is a self-contained instrument for bench-top deployment in a research vessel laboratory. Plumbed to continuous underway uncontaminated seawater, it continuously measures PSD and particle concentration, as well as inherent optical properties (IOPs) beam attenuation (c) and volume scattering function (VSF, β) at 520 nm. From these IOPs, scattering (b), backscattering (bb), backscattering ratio (bb/b), and by difference, absorption (a = c – b), can be derived.

LISST – ABS acoustic backscatter sensor
Sequoia Scientific, Inc. is proud to offer the first low-cost acoustic backscatter sensor designed specifically for measuring suspended sediments. This is a new type of sediment sensor, superior to optical backscatter sensors (OBS) for 4 reasons.

FlowControl-Sub is a microprocessor-controlled fully submersible 3-way valve system for use in flow-through applications on profiling platforms such as for example CTD’s or profiling floats.

Sequoia – accessories
A range of accessories for Sequoia instruments, including deployment cages, batteries, flow tubes, mixing chambers, anti-fouling bio-blocks, cables, test chambers, custom optical paths, custom enclosures, etc.
Star-Oddi offers a wide range of environmental research equipment such as fish archival tags, small CTD logger (salinity logger), submersible temperature and depth loggers, and other underwater data loggers with sensors including salinity, temperature, depth, pitch and roll, known for their small size, accuracy and reliability. Star-Oddi also makes accurate underwater temperature recorders and tilt loggers that are used as fish tags, oceanographic instruments as well as in diverse industries.

DST Conductivity, temperature, depth logger.
The Star-Oddi DST CTD & DST CT are miniature (15mm x 46mm) salinity loggers. Shown here with optional PUR holder, these instruments transfer data via an inductive reader unit.

DST Centi temperature and depth logger
The Star-Oddi DST centi-T is a small submersible data logger with a temperature sensor. Recorded data is stored in its internal memory with a real-time clock reference for each measurement. Aslo available as Centi -TD, Temperature & Depth.

DST Milli temperature and depth logger
The Star-Oddi DST milli-T is a small (12.5mm x 38.4mm) waterproof data logger measuring temperature or temperature & depth.

DST Micro temperature and depth logger
The Star-Oddi DST micro-TD is an ultra miniature (25mm long) submersible data logger (archival tag) that measures and records temperature and pressure (depth). Recorded data is stored in the logger‘s internal memory with a real time reference for each measurement.

The Star-Oddi DST nano-T is the world’s smallest (6mm x 17mm) temperature data logger. Recorded data is stored in the logger‘s internal memory with a real time clock reference for each measurement. Also available as DST-NanoTD with temperature and depth.

Starmon-TD temperature and depth recorder
The robust temperature and depth data logger, Starmon TD, is designed to withstand harsh conditions and long-term deployment subsea. The logger is durable with its robust and non-corrosive housing. Recorded data is stored in the logger‘s internal memory with a time stamp for each measurement.

Starmon-compass pitch, roll, heading, 3D acceleration, temperature, pressure
Star-Oddi. Together with Scripps in the US, they have developed the Starmon Compass. This is a small (197 mm length x 40 mm dia) lightweight sensor pack that can record pitch, roll heading, 3D acceleration, pressure/depth and temperature.

Starmon-mini temperature recorder
Starmon mini is a underwater temperature recorder designed for use in oceans, rivers, and lakes. Starmon mini records the temperature at preset intervals and stores the data into solid state memory under the control of a microprocessor.

DST Pitch and Roll
DST pitch and roll measures additionally to temperature and depth, relative pitch and roll movements of the DST, with reference to the earth gravity. The measuring parameters are measuring the gravity movements in two directions.

DST Magnetic
The Star-Oddi DST magnetic is a small data logger / archival tag that measures and records earth’s magnetic field strength (in three directions), tilt (in three directions), acceleration, temperature and depth.

Comm Box Data reader
The Star-Oddi Comm Box is required, along with SeaStar software to set up and download data from the DST tags. A different box is required for each size of DST.
Marine Sonic Technology
Marine Sonic Technology is part of the ATLAS North America group of companies, and specialise in cost effective high resolution imaging sonar systems for defence, first responder and commercial use. Offering both towed and integrated systems using adaptive CHIRP technology. Their innovative ARC Explorer mk-II offers the highest resolution side scan sonar system currently available.

Sea Scan ARC Hunter ultra-long range
The ARC Hunter Product Line of Heavy Duty Towed Systems are designed to address the demanding requirements of deep water survey operations Hunter’s low frequency Adaptive CHIRP Technology enables industry leading range performance, while maintaining Marine Sonic’s high resolution image quality The adaptive CHIRP technology provides the highest imaging quality possible from a side scan sonar and supports ranges up to 60 greater than non CHIRP systems Developed around this technology, Hunter Towed Systems achieve ranges beyond 500 meters per side and reaching at least 1000 m in swath under real world conditions.

Sea Scan ARC explorer MKII
The ARC Explorer Mk II is the newest generation of Marine Sonic’s towed side scan sonar designed for search, survey, and recovery applications. The Adaptive CHIRP Technology provides the highest imaging quality possible from a side scan sonar and supports ranges up to 60% greater than non-Adaptive CHIRP systems. The high resolution imaging and simultaneous dual frequency operation in conjunction with a fully adjustable tow point and transducer angle make it an ideal tool for survey and infrastructure inspection applications that require a high level of flexibility. The rugged construction and a 300m depth rating in a one-man portable system more than fulfill the needs of the search & recovery and security communities.

Sea Scan Arc Explorer
The Sea Scan ARC Explorer tow fish is constructed using hard anodized billet aluminum, stainless steel, and durable polymers. It features a built in Variable Angle Tow Point for ultimate imaging flexibility. Field replaceable transducers allow the user to quickly adapt the sonar to various conditions without compromising range or resolution. Up to four frequencies can be installed on the same tow fish at any time. Modular construction minimizes the maintenance costs and maximizes upgrade capability.

Sea Scan ARC scout MKII
The Scout MK-II is the next evolutionary leap in technological advancement when it comes to micro embedded modular side scan sonar systems. The Scout MK-II is the smallest, lightest, fastest, and quite possibly the least expensive side scan sonar on the market today utilizing Adaptive CHIRP technology. The Scout MK-II can fit in the smallest of AUV’s using embedded processing, superior front end filtering, and highly integrated circuitry. It will give you back that precious payload space all while rendering the most beautiful images with up to .4cm of resolution.The future of embedded side scan sonar is now in Scout MK-II.

Sea scan echo
The ECHO is an ultra compact single beam sonar designed for small Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The system’s long range and high precision make it an ideal tool for underwater altitude and distance measurement. Further, an imaging version is available that can be utilized for simplified bottom profiling and obstacle avoidance. The modular design of the Echo minimizes the mechanical footprint needed for the system integration and its filtering capabilities reduces noise effects maximizing system performance while using less power.

Sea scan HDS system
The Sea Scan HDS (High Definition Sonar) is Marine Sonic Technology, Ltd’s NEW sonar system. Designed using the latest electronic technology the system is state of the art providing easy of connectivity and operation. The top side processor is small (8” x 4.5” x1.75”), lightweight, shock resistant, and designed to provide a telemetry interface between the tow fish and a Windows® PC. The top side processor clean design provides for a tow cable connector, USB 2.0 connector, fuse holder, power connector, LED power indicator and power switch.The system can be powered from a 12 to 24 VDC or 90-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power source.
Sea-Bird Scientific
Sea-Bird Scientific is the world’s largest developer and manufacturer of products for the measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, nutrients and related oceanographic parameters in marine waters.

SBE 56 Temperature Sensor
The field proven sensor measures and records temperature ensuring long term data stability. Depending on the sample recording interval the Hydro-T can collect high quality data for one month to two years before the battery needs to be replaced. While every application does not require the Hydro-T’s high stability this capability preserves the initial calibration accuracy and ensures less frequent (or no) calibrations.

SBE 18 pH Sensor
The Hydro-pH is a pressure-balanced glass-electrode pH probe capable of providing in situ measurements. The sensor is a modular, self-contained package that is easy to install, service and calibrate. The Hydro-pH can be codeployed with the HydroCAT when connected to an external datalogger or it can connect directly into the WQM.

SeaOWL UV-A™ (Sea Oil-in-Water Locator)
Sea-Bird Scientific introduces SeaOWL UV-ATM, a new in-situ oil-in-water sensor. Based-upon the highly successful WET Labs ECO sensor, Sea-Bird Scientific has developed an industry-leading oil-detection technology with 5X optical resolution improvement over its predecessor.

SBE-9 Plus
Sea-Bird’s 9 plus CTD is the primary oceanographic research tool chosen by the world’s leading institutions. Referred to as 911plus when used with 11plus CTD Deck Unit (real-time data acquisition) or 917plus when used with 17plus V2 SEARAM Recorder & Auto Fire Module (autonomous operation).

SBE-911 Plus V2
The 911plus, consisting of the 9plus underwater CTD and 11plus V2 Deck Unit, is a premium real-time CTD accurate to the highest international standards. It features high resolution sampling (24 Hz), pump-controlled T-C ducted flow, up to 10500 meter (15,000 psia) depth capability, maximum auxiliary sensor flexibility, and modem channel for Water Sampler control.

SBE 16plus V2 SeaCAT CT(D)
The SBE 16plus V2 (Version 2) SEACAT Recorder measures temperature and conductivity (pressure optional) and provides high acccuracy and resolution, reliability, and ease-of-use on moorings and other long-duration, fixed-site deployments.

SBE 17plus V2 Searam
The SBE 17plus V2 Searam is used to operate any SBE 9plus CTD underwater unit in self-contained internal recording mode, without the need for conducting winch cable. Auxiliary sensors connected to the 9plus are also supported.

SBE-19 plus V2 Seacat profiler CTD
The SBE 19plus V2 (Version 2) Seacat Profiler CTD measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth) and provides high accuracy and resolution, reliability, and ease-of-use for a wide range of research, monitoring, and engineering applications.

SBE-25 plus Sealogger CTD
The SBE 25 plus Sealogger is the ideal research-quality CTD profiling system for coastal, estuarine, and budget-minded deep-water deployments. The battery-powered 25plus records data in memory, eliminating the need for a large vessel, electro-mechanical sea cable, and on-board computer. The 25plus can also transmit data in real-time.

SBE 32 Carousel
An innovative design free of the reliability problems associated with motor-driven types. The Carousel has no moving-shaft seals that can bind up at low temperatures or under pressure because each bottle position has its own magnetically-activated lanyard release latch. Only the magnetic field – not a moving part – links the Carousel’s lanyard release mechanism with the pylon control electronics.

SBE 33 Carousel Deck Unit
The rack-mountable SBE 33 provides power and real-time data acquisition and control for an SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler that has the SBE 33 interface option installed in its pylon.